My purpose in His Kingdom Voice Ministries’ devotion blog is to help those who live in depression, despondency, distress, regret, and the circumstances of life that cause these situations to find gladness, joy, contentment, comfort, and the HOPE that is only found in Jesus.

Rather than focus on the negatives, my goal is to comfort, console, and to bring relief, peace and security by the Word of God in these troubled times we live in. Most Christians never find this peace because they simply don’t know how to take the steps toward the benefits the Word promises.

Through conquering my own hardship, sorrow, and despair, I know that NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR GOD.


Morning prayer of dedication and devotion (click on the link below to print, view and or download).

PDF of Confessions  

Can’t fake God

Can’t fake God

We cannot live in the flesh and in the spirit at the same time. 😵‍💫 Because the desire of the flesh is against the Spirit, and the {of} the Spirit ⚔️{is} against the flesh, for these are opposed to each other, so that you cannot do what you wish. Romans 8:5-9...

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TODAY is a GOOD day to have a GOD day!

"A grateful heart is a choice to make." Find the treasure in every heart. If we look for the “special” in our day we will find what really matters in life. When we start our day with intentional fellowship first and foremost with Jesus, then we have the...

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Believing His Word has to proceed without an action. We call this obedience. The day we live in, It WAS WRITTEN and now these are the days. Unbelievable what people believe and what they don’t believe. How easy they believe the lie. If only more people would BELIEVE...

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Healing Devotion

In my walk with God I have been healed twice through men of God yielded to His gifts of the Spirit.  I have been healed of countless afflictions as I yielded (believed) to His Word (life and medicine to ALL our flesh). Some were tumors, cysts,...

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Dealing with Stress, Anxiety, Fear, Having a Meltdown…?

Are you dealing with stress, anxiety, fear, having a meltdown….? We can overcome any condition with the Word of God if we will pursue  the Word and not waver in the middle of our condition. Psalm 139:23  (TPT) God, I invite your searching gaze into my heart....

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Great Week to Regroup-Priorities-and Revive Authority!

THERE IS POWER IN THE BLOOD of JESUS. IT is through the BLOOD OF JESUS that we have received our entire redemption. Thank God for the  PRECIOUS BLOOD OF JESUS The devil hates the blood to be spoken because it's by HIS BLOOD we HAVE the VICTORY! Rev....

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Great Week to Focus-Rewire-and Ignite the Fire!

Heb.12:1-3 (Message version) Do you see what this means—all these pioneers who blazed the way, all these veterans cheering us on? It means we’d better get on with it. Strip down, start running—and never quit! No extra spiritual fat, no parasitic sins. Keep your eyes...

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Hosea 6:3 LET US ACKNOWLEDGE the LORD; let us PRESS on to acknowledge him. As surely as the sun rises, he will appear; he will come to us like the winter rains, like the spring rains that water the earth. I find it interesting how often water is used in...

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STIR UP! I want to encourage you to pray in the Holy Ghost MORE and every time your flesh screams pray more! He was sent to reveal Jesus and EMPOWER the entire Body of Christ. We want the book of Acts in our lives and we want the results of HIS POWER but we don’t...

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Prayer FIRST

Psalm 90:12 TLB “Teach us to number our days and recognize how few they are; HELP US to spend them as we should.” The “god of this world has designed endless diversions and distractions in his diabolical world system. Sadly this fast running lifestyle to...

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Jesus First

New Year!!! Great time to put FIRST His Kingdom. Jesus tells us in Matthew 6:33 to seek FIRST the Kingdom of God, and God's righteousness, and if we do, essentially everything else will eventually fall into its proper place and priority in our lives. All the...

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Returning to Prayer

What a gift from God that we have received. GOD IS FAITHFUL He sent His Son to redeem us from eternal damnation.   Never has there been a season for the Body of Christ to take the time to re-group priorities and RE-TURN TO THE LORD in whom we were called...

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