I was born pre-mature in 1954 and spent my first months fighting for life at 2¼ pounds. As I began my journey searching for purpose, through many trials and difficulties, that fight for life never ceased.

My childhood was paralyzed with negative words and emotional abuse. I left home at 16, found a job, finished high school, and started college. I worked three jobs at a time to survive and make ends meet for three years. During those years, I earned full scholarships to attend Parsons School of Design NYC and pursued my natural gifts to paint and sculpture. I became very successful, and although my career was going forward, something deep down inside of me was missing.

I loved God and although I had a rough childhood, I was brought up under strict moral conditions and had the fear of God since an early age. During college, I watched hundreds of young people destroy their lives with drugs, sex, and alcohol, and I knew that was not the life I wanted. I spent countless hours painting nature, fascinated by God’s creation. But, never in 25 years did anyone ever tell me about Jesus.

While I lived in New York City pursuing a successful career, no matter what I gained, something remained missing. The city life was so driving, busy, competitive, and plastic. I began to go to a yoga center to find peace. I found peace alright–only to lure me into a vicious cycle for more and more, because it was temporary and false. The meditation led me into Buddhism, and my life began to fall into more darkness as I messed around the dark side of the spirit world. Nothing was true. I lost my hope to ever find the God I thought had to have created this beautiful world. I could not find the answer for life or a purpose and found no satisfaction in any gain or success. As my life gradually fell into more spiritual darkness, I found no reason to live on. In my desperation, God put a person in my path who shared the gospel, and I GOT SAVED!!!! I FOUND THE TRUTH.

Immediately after being Spirit-filled, I began a life of prayer that eventually led me to Rhema Bible Training Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where I attended from 1981 to 1983. I had the privilege to be influenced by some of the great fathers and leaders of the faith—Dr. Kenneth Hagin, Dr. Lester Sumrall, Dr. John Osteen, Roy Hicks, Oral Roberts, Hilton Sutton, and many more the Lord used to mark my life for His service. In 1984, I had the honor to meet my pastor, Dr. Mark T. Barclay. His uncompromising stand for truth, righteousness and holiness has made him the strongest and most influential person in my life through my years of ministry.

From the day I was born again to this day, I remain faithful to my Father God, His Word, and the reason He gave me life. I am a grateful, born-again, Spirit-filled Christian who lives to love God, to know Him, and to serve Him.