In my walk with God I have been healed twice through men of God yielded to His gifts of the Spirit. 

I have been healed of countless afflictions as I yielded (believed) to His Word (life and medicine to ALL our flesh). Some were tumors, cysts, endometriosis,malaria, dengue. My children were diagnosed before birth, after birth of diseases. Through childhood many afflictions as we were exposed on the mission field to many forms of  bacteria. 

I shared that it to say the following. Healing often is a process not an instant, automatic manifestation, whether it be physical, emotional or even provisional. 

There are factors involved. 

Sickness, emotional traumas, provisional loss can come through many channels, (habits, lifestyle, sin)and sometimes just  happen.

Devastation, accidents, food, water, bugs, air, germs, stress, violence, etc. 

Through all that life had unfolded I continue to STAND not because of the knowledge I once heard or knew, or learned, or preached but because of the knowledge I choose to BELIEVE, speak and live NO MATTER WHAT. 

The “what” has many forms. 

I encourage you my brothers and sisters KEEP watering the seed of life. It will be the tree you need in your moment of the unexpected. 

Have a great day!  Jesus lives!